I have no clue what cmake is or what you are trying to, so I just comment on a few other things I catched:


you don't need that

cmake_use_option() {
        local USEFLAG="$1"; shift
        local OPTION="$1"; shift

'local USEFLAG="$1" OPTION="$2" ; shift 2' reads better and is more efficient

        if [ -z "${OPTION}" ]; then


                case $1 in

'[oO][nN]') does the same, but i doubt anything beside on|ON will ever be used.


same here:
[oO][fF][fF]) or simply off|OFF)
wE'rE nOt ThAt FrEaKy YoU kNoW ;)

cmake_configure() {
        vecho cmake ${S} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr $(cmake_use_option debug 
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE debugfull) $*

You can't use vecho yet. It's been introduced not long ago, stable portage versions will just tell you that there is no `vecho'.

cmake_compile() {
cmake_install() {

aren't these meant to be cmake-src_compile/cmake-src_install?

Kind Regards,

Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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