Stephen P. Becker wrote:
I fail to see how pointing out a post was offtopic is mean. Rather, it
will save that individual (and hopefully others) from making the same
mistake in the future.
Also, RTFM is absolutely the right answer more often than not.
Otherwise, what is the point of having TFM in the first place? The
amusement of those who spent a lot of time and effort writing it?
That's not the problem. RTFM is never the right answer because 'please,
RTM' is. Your mail pointing out that it was off-topic wasn't mean
because it pointed out that fact, it was mean because it was written in
a form that could have been much more friendlier.
A message is usually more than just the information in it.
Kind Regards,
Simon Stelling
Gentoo/AMD64 Developer
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