On Wed, Jan 08, 2025 at 11:01:56AM -0800, Lindsay Lawrence wrote:
> > This is because the URL after logging in needs more information (mainly
> > the port and the session ID).
> > ...
> On an external facing system, with https, I would only want to open a
> single port and on a deployed machine I may not have a ui, or browser that
> I can administrate things locally.
> Question: Is there a way to avoid a session switching to a different port?

This would be possible, but requires a different session strategy.

The Pil system forks a child process for each session, which then uses
its own private port to listen for further client connections.

Another possibility could be using a coroutine for each session, all
running in the same process and being dispatched to in some way
(possibly using ServerSent Events).

A drawback with this for example would be that a crashing or blocking
session would bring down the whole system ;)

I believe that the current solution is very good (for several reasons we
discussed here and in IRC.

☺/ A!ex

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