On Thu, Jan 9, 2025 at 5:18 AM Alexander Burger <picolisp@software-lab.de>

> Cool! If this works, could we also introduce it into the original
> version?
> Of course.
The ;{ .. } change is straightforward and is useful for more than simple

 But: Doesn't this conflict with with other URLs having an argument?

> Shouldn't it be "#" instead of "?"?

I struggled with this a bit. At the moment, I don't have a use case
where it matters.
For link jumps not in session, and in session but not editing (when there
are additional url params), it works correctly and
using the ^{..} syntax (with the suggested code change below), one can now
link jump both within the same page and across wiki pages.

For example:

^{?DevForum#viprc viprc}

When in a session, generates

<a href="http://localhost:52641/51111718579557851~?DevForum#viprc";>viprc</a>

And without a session

<a href="http://localhost:1780/?DevForum#viprc";>viprc</a>

> Can you try the changes?
> ...
(ifn (pre? "?" (car S))
  (prin "???")
      (or (glue " " (cdr S)) (pack (car S)))
      (if *Login
         (setq Url (baseHRef NIL *SesId (car S)) )
         (setq Url (baseHRef *Port1 (car S)) )
      ) )

Much better! Tested and works as described.

First principle of picolisp: Be succinct.
Second principle: There is often an existing built-in function to help with
the first principle.


PS: After all of that, I realize another, and perhaps contextually better,
solution may be to modify the 'wikiLink function, ={ .. } syntax, to handle
'#' when parsing the document name?

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