Hi Lindsay,

great that you found a solution!

> To answer my own question after a bit of investigation:
> I added a new markup tag  ;{  } to allow writing snippets of raw html. I
> also had to modify the external web link tag to allow urls starting with
> "/".  (see code at end).
> ...
> Although, the jump doesn't work when logged into the wiki (i.e. on a
> session port different than the default port that the server is listening
> on). I'm not sure why.

This is because the URL after logging in needs more information (mainly
the port and the session ID).

Such cases are e.g. in "wiki/gui.l"

   (if *Login
      (baseHRef NIL *SesId "?home")
      (baseHRef *Port1 "?home") )

I think you can use a similar pattern.

☺/ A!ex

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