On Thu, Jan 9, 2025 at 1:25 AM Alexander Burger <picolisp@software-lab.de>

> This is for the interaction with httpGate
>    @doc/httpGate.html
> Thank you.

My working version for linking into a wiki page (handling sessions) and
support for raw html looks like the code below
which lets me write wiki code like

Goto my ^{?DevForum#viprc viprc}

and on the DevForum page

;{<h3 id="viprc">My viprc</h3>}


In wiki/lib.l

(de render (Bin)
 ("\^"  # External web link

   (let (S (split (till "}") " " "^I" "^J" "^M") Url)


          (or (member
                (car (split (car S) ":"))
                   `(chop "http")
                   `(chop "https")
                   `(chop "irc")
                   `(chop "mailto") ) )
             (or (glue " " (cdr S)) (pack (car S)))
             (setq Url (pack (car S))) )
         # >>> lindsay
          (ifn (= "?" (car (chop (car S))))
            (prin "???")
                (or (glue " " (cdr S)) (pack (car S)))
                (if *Login
                   (setq Url (glue "" (list (baseHRef NIL *SesId) (pack
(car S)) )) )
                   (setq Url (glue "" (list (baseHRef *Port1) (pack (car
S)) )) )
                ) )
         # <<< lindsay
    ) ) )
 # >>> lindsay
 (";" (renderBlock prin))
 # <<< lindsay

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