Hi Lloyd,

> I’m considering PicoLisp for a web app I have in mind. The app would
> run on Linux and depend heavily on directory/file navigation. But so
> far, rummaging through the docs, I fail to find basic directory/file
> navigation functions such as provided by, say, Bash.

There is 'info', 'dir', 'cd', 'chdir', 'dirname', 'basename' and
probably more. Also, you can call any C function like

   (%@ "link" 'I Old New)
   (%@ "unlink" 'I File)
   (%@ "rename" 'I Src Dst)

and so on.

If you'd like to look at some practical examples, there is

   'docs' in @lib/debug.l
   'snapshot' in @lib/too.l

And of course @lib/vip.l which naturally does a lot of file operations.

☺/ A!ex

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