To answer my own question after a bit of investigation:
I added a new markup tag  ;{  } to allow writing snippets of raw html. I
also had to modify the external web link tag to allow urls starting with
"/".  (see code at end).

Now, for example on the DevForum wiki page I can write something like

;{<h3 id="myviprc">My viprc</h3>}

and on another wiki page I can reference it with

;{<a href="/DevForum#myviprc">My viprc</a>}

It works! Yay!

Although, the jump doesn't work when logged into the wiki (i.e. on a
session port different than the default port that the server is listening
on). I'm not sure why.


In wiki/lib.l:

(de render (Bin)
     ("\^"  # External web link
        (let S (split (till "}") " " "^I" "^J" "^M")
              (or (member
                    (car (split (car S) ":"))
                       `(chop "http")
                       `(chop "https")
                       `(chop "irc")
                       `(chop "mailto") ) )
                  (= "/" (car S) ) )   # lindsay allow '/?wikipage#part'
                 (or (glue " " (cdr S)) (pack (car S)))
                 (pack (car S)) )
              (prin "???")
              (msg '> "render href? :" S) ) ) )
     (";" (renderBlock prin))  # lindsay allow raw html

On Tue, Jan 7, 2025 at 7:43 PM Lindsay Lawrence <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been setting up a (for now) internal wiki using the PicoLisp Wiki.
> Is there a straightforward way with the wiki markup syntax to add an id to
> a page element, or insert some other kind of id element  so I can link into
> a page. This would be particularly useful for longer pages. For example, to
> have a content index at the top of a page, or to reference from another
> page, jumping straight to the particular point.
> I've spent some time looking at the code that processes markup. I may try
> and extend that, but was wondering if there is already support there and I
> have just missed it.
> Regards
> /Lindsay

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