> This is easy. Set in your initial code
>    (setq *HPorts (8040 . 8079))
> for such a range.
> Thanks!... I was almost there :)

One other minor point, with resulting question, I worked through;

In http.l 'server why is '*Port1 initialized this way?

*Port1 (or (sys "NAME") Port)

As it happens, my Linux distribution defaults "NAME" to the machine name.
As the wiki code uses *Port1 it caused a bit of initial confusion at

(if *Login
      (baseHRef NIL *SesId "?home")
      (baseHRef *Port1 "?home") ) )

It was straightforward to resolve, but why is it written that way in http.l?


PS: I am quite enjoying my current adventure into the picolisp applications
and libraries; vip, wiki, native interfacing, networking, etc.
And realizing I still have a lot to learn! A scalpel indeed.

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