Hi Lloyd,

Check out: cd <https://software-lab.de/doc/refC.html#cd>, chdir <https://software-lab.de/doc/refC.html#chdir>, dir <https://software-lab.de/doc/refD.html#dir> and info <https://software-lab.de/doc/refI.html#info>

Have fun,
- beneroth

On 05.01.25 18:00, Lloyd R. prentice wrote:

I’m considering PicoLisp for a web app I have in mind. The app would run on 
Linux and depend heavily on directory/file navigation. But so far, rummaging 
through the docs, I fail to find basic directory/file navigation functions such 
as provided by, say, Bash.

Can some kind soul please point the way?

Many thanks,


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