On Thu, Jan 09, 2025 at 03:20:30AM -0800, Lindsay Lawrence wrote:
> My working version for linking into a wiki page (handling sessions) and
> support for raw html looks like the code below
> which lets me write wiki code like
> .
> Goto my ^{?DevForum#viprc viprc}
> .
> and on the DevForum page
> .
> ;{<h3 id="viprc">My viprc</h3>}

Cool! If this works, could we also introduce it into the original

If so, I would suggest some minor improvements:

>          # >>> lindsay
>           (ifn (= "?" (car (chop (car S))))

You can check with 'pre?' for the first char of a symbol. Thus:

   (ifn (pre? "?" (car S))

But: Doesn't this conflict with with other URLs having an argument?
Shouldn't it be "#" instead of "?"?

>             (prin "???")
>             (<href>
>                 (or (glue " " (cdr S)) (pack (car S)))
>                 (if *Login
>                    (setq Url (glue "" (list (baseHRef NIL *SesId) (pack (car 
> S)) )) )
>                    (setq Url (glue "" (list (baseHRef *Port1) (pack (car S)) 
> )) )

What is "(setq Url" for? I suspect this just a debugging artefact.

Glueing nothing with "(glue "" (list" is just 'pack'. But as 'baseHRef'
automatically packs all its arguments anyway, I believe you can simply

   (if *Login
      (baseHRef NIL *SesId (car S))
      (baseHRef *Port1 (car S)) )

(I have not tested)

Can you try the changes?

☺/ A!ex

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