On Sat, Apr 08, 2006 at 08:03:27AM +0200, Stefan M. Fendt wrote:
> Nicolas MAUFRAIS schrieb:
> >Stefan, I thank you for all the information, but... how could I use an
> >"horizontal lowpass-filter"? I read all the things you wrote, and even
> >if that's probably right, I don't know how to test it.
> >  
> >
> OK, so here comes what I would try with this material:
> Since the horizontal resolution is very close to some reduced DVD
> resolution, I would most probably use something like this (slow, but
> usualy good quality on noisy sources):
> lav2yuv my_dv_files.avi |\
> y4mspatialfilter -L 4,x,0,1 -C 4,y,4,y |\                
> yuvdenoise -m y0,u0,v0 -t y1,u1,v1 -M y2,u2,v2 |\           
> yuvscaler -O SIZE_352x576 |\
> mpeg2enc -K kvcd -E -10 --cbr -b 5000 -R2 -41 -21 -r24 -o file.m2v
> Tune x until you can see some little blurring (for your HI8 source this
> should happen arround 0.5), then go upwards a little again. Choose y to
> be somewere near 0.3 to 0.5 (you wont notice for HI8 as chroma is bad
> anyways, but the mpeg2enc will like that...). For the denoiser start
> with y0 and leave all other values zero. Turn up y0 until you can see
> the effect (it's too much then...) lower the threshold again by 1 or 2.
> Choose 2*y0 for u0 and v0 as a starting point and finetune it the same
> way as x,y,y0... Then tune the values for "-t" exactly the same way
> (only that these may be magnitudes higher -- it is *not* a threshold
> here but a mixing-value(!)) and if really needed do the same with the
> values for "-M" (you can try the values from "-m" as a starting point
> but most likely they are too high here...)

I tried y4mspatialfilter, but I'm not convinced with the bitrate

> BTW: I would never go higher than approx 5Mbps... otherwise it *will*
> knock some hardware-players out of buissnes...

Yep, but my DVD will be read on a modern standalone player as the one I
own, and that player can read stream at 9800kbps CBR bitrate without any

> PPS: feel free to send me a short sequence (or allow me to download it
> somewere) of 30sec to 1min of the jpeg/dv data and I will try that
> finetuning for you, if you like... let's see how low we can can that
> bitrate... :->

Here it is:
The audio AC3 stream:

The command line I use for the moment is:
yuvcorrect -v 0 -T INTERLACED_BOTTOM_FIRST | yuvscaler -v 0 -I
ACTIVE_702x560+8+8 -M BICUBIC | y4mspatialfilter -L 5,0.94,1,1.00 -C
4,0.94,1,1.0 | yuvmedianfilter -v 0 -t 0 | yuvdenoise -v 0 -s 1,2,2 -g
0,0,0 -t 2,3,3 | mpeg2enc -v 0 -r 32 -4 1 -2 1 -D 10 -g 6 -G 15 -q 4 -b
9200 -f 8 -o $1

Thank you!

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