Nicolas MAUFRAIS schrieb: >Stefan, I thank you for all the information, but... how could I use an >"horizontal lowpass-filter"? I read all the things you wrote, and even >if that's probably right, I don't know how to test it. > > OK, so here comes what I would try with this material:
Since the horizontal resolution is very close to some reduced DVD resolution, I would most probably use something like this (slow, but usualy good quality on noisy sources): lav2yuv my_dv_files.avi |\ y4mspatialfilter -L 4,x,0,1 -C 4,y,4,y |\ yuvdenoise -m y0,u0,v0 -t y1,u1,v1 -M y2,u2,v2 |\ yuvscaler -O SIZE_352x576 |\ mpeg2enc -K kvcd -E -10 --cbr -b 5000 -R2 -41 -21 -r24 -o file.m2v Tune x until you can see some little blurring (for your HI8 source this should happen arround 0.5), then go upwards a little again. Choose y to be somewere near 0.3 to 0.5 (you wont notice for HI8 as chroma is bad anyways, but the mpeg2enc will like that...). For the denoiser start with y0 and leave all other values zero. Turn up y0 until you can see the effect (it's too much then...) lower the threshold again by 1 or 2. Choose 2*y0 for u0 and v0 as a starting point and finetune it the same way as x,y,y0... Then tune the values for "-t" exactly the same way (only that these may be magnitudes higher -- it is *not* a threshold here but a mixing-value(!)) and if really needed do the same with the values for "-M" (you can try the values from "-m" as a starting point but most likely they are too high here...) I hope this helps... cu Stefan BTW: I would never go higher than approx 5Mbps... otherwise it *will* knock some hardware-players out of buissnes... PPS: feel free to send me a short sequence (or allow me to download it somewere) of 30sec to 1min of the jpeg/dv data and I will try that finetuning for you, if you like... let's see how low we can can that bitrate... :-> -- Gnomemeeting/Netmeeting:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 131490319 ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.Net email is sponsored by xPML, a groundbreaking scripting language that extends applications into web and mobile media. Attend the live webcast and join the prime developer group breaking into this new coding territory! _______________________________________________ Mjpeg-users mailing list