Hi Nicolas,

>Here it is:
So, I just played a little with your video-data. This is what I got at last:

I hope this is the quality you expected to get from HI8 *bg*... And this
is the commandline I used:

cat 04.yuv |\
yuvdeinterlace -d |\
yuvdenoise -m6,24,24 -t12,24,24 -M3,24,24 |\
y4mspatialfilter -L 8,0.5,8,0.5 |\
y4minterlace -i b |\
yuvscaler -O SIZE_352x576 |\
mpeg2enc -F3 -a2 -f8 -Kkvcd -E-5 -R2 --cbr -b9200 -r24 -41 -21 -o test.m2v

I hope this helps...


BTW: I used all the CVS variants of the tools... At least for the
deinterlacer and for the denoiser I can't recommend to use the user
release anymore...

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