On Fri, 7 Apr 2006, Nicolas MAUFRAIS wrote:

> Stefan, I thank you for all the information, but... how could I use an
> "horizontal lowpass-filter"? I read all the things you wrote, and even
> if that's probably right, I don't know how to test it.

        I think I mentioned 'y4mspatialfilter' in an earlier posting.

        y4mspatialfilter is, as the name implies, a spatial only (not temporal)
        filter.  It is a "low pass" filter - you specify what percentage of
        the bandwidth to pass.

        For example, to reduce the bandwidth to 92% for the Luma and 90% for
        Chroma try this:

            y4mspatialfilter -L 5,0.92,5,0.92 -C 4,0.9,4,0.9

        The '5' and '4' are the number of taps in the filter. 

        The two percentages are the X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) respectively
        so if you wanted to leave the vertical bandwidth alone you could use

            y4mspatialfilter -L 5,0.92,1,1.00 -C 4,0.9,1,1.0

        y4mspatialfilter -h

        will give a complete summary - no manpage (sorry).

        Experiment lowering the percentage until you notice the softening/blur
        and then go  back up a few percent.

        Steven Schultz

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