On Sun, Apr 09, 2006 at 12:34:44PM +0200, Stefan M. Fendt wrote:
> Hi Nicolas,
> >Here are the things I see:
> >- you use the CVS yuvdenoise, which I'll compile to see the difference
> >  
> >
> it should be better (and perhaps making yuvmedianfilter obsolete...)

You mean using yuvdenoise CVS render the use of yuvmedianfilter almost

> >- why do you deinterlace and reinterlace? Can't yuvdenoise and
> >  y4mspatialfilter work on interlaced material?
> >  
> >
> it's some HQ-hack as your material is really, really noisy... This way
> the denoiser reacts a little less aggressive.

I always read deinterlacing a stream loose details. That's why I'm
hesitant to deinterlace and then reinterlace later in the pipe...

> >- you use really different values than I use for y4mspatialfilter. I'll
> >  test that
> >  
> >
> this is a little more agressive...

I think the values I use are really too high...

> >- my goal is to produce a DVD. Is that normal to use the SIZE_352x576
> >  option for a DVD?
> >  
> >
> Well, it's an allowed size and as the HI8 material hasn't got  a lot
> more resolution to deliver it should make it possible to better use the
> bits available...

Well... I prefer to use the standard 720*576 resolution.

> >- You use the kvcd matrix. I tried it, but the quality was not really
> >  good. But on yesterday, I tried the tmpgenc matrix, and that REALLY
> >  reduced the average bit-rate, without deteriorating the quality.
> >  
> >
> This was more like a bad habbit... *g* feel free to use tmpegs matrix.
> It's a matter of taste here...

Probably. But those 2 matrices are really efficient...

> With the previous command line I got almost only "qscale" 1.3 to 4 for
> your footage...

How can you see the qscale values used when encoding?

Thank you, Stefan!

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