Just in case someone might ask/wonder... I did not try to explain, why we have (601) 720x576 or 720x480 pixels per frame (which mainly is related to 2,25 MHz and some factor of six...) .. I just wanted to derive the resolution a HI8-camcorder can have.
cu Stefan -- Gnomemeeting/Netmeeting: callto:ils.seconix.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 131490319 ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.Net email is sponsored by xPML, a groundbreaking scripting language that extends applications into web and mobile media. Attend the live webcast and join the prime developer group breaking into this new coding territory! http://sel.as-us.falkag.net/sel?cmd=lnk&kid=110944&bid=241720&dat=121642 _______________________________________________ Mjpeg-users mailing list Mjpeg-users@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/mjpeg-users