Dnia 27.12.2024 o godz. 15:49:40 Peter Corlett via mailop pisze:
> I have doubts that jumping through the hoops to sign up for Postmaster Tools
> would even be a productive use of one's time. I had access to a site's
> Webmaster Tools a while back and it told me nothing that somebody with
> reasonable expertise would not already know or could readily infer from the
> server logs. This is probably more of the same: a sop for novice users and a
> way to deflect attention from problems Google themselves created.

While it's off-topic, I actually learned quite an interesting information
about my website from Webmaster Tools. There is one thing Webmaster Tools
show which isn't so easy to get from server logs - it is, how the users are
finding your page, ie. what Google query brought them to your site.

I learned a few quite unexpected things about what phrases in web search
brought users to my site. Some of them were really, really unexpected :) 

But that's off-topic as I said.

> As to the bounced message being "quite important", how would one have sent
> it to somebody in the 1990s who was trapped in e.g. the AOL or Compuserve
> walled gardens? The telephone and postal service still work just fine.

In 1990s you had no printing shops where you can just email a file, they
will print it for you and you go and pick it up. That was my case :). And it
was a quite important document that I needed to have urgently printed at the
destination of my travel while I was travelling. I had no USB drive with me
to bring the file on it, as the need to print it happened quite
unexpectedly. Finally I managed to send it using sender address from a
different domain, that I keep as a backup just for such cases, as it isn't
the first time I have trouble with mailing to Google (I wrote about it many
times here already).
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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