I think that it's doubtful that Google performing anti-spam filtration based 
upon statistics and mail flows could be framed as discrimination or being 
anti-competitive, but I've been wrong before.

If Jaroslaw Rafa hasn't created their Google Postmaster account [as advised in 
the article linked to in the error returned by Google when they bounce your 
message with this error] they should probably do that first.

If they already have a Google Postmaster account for their domain - what it 
says in there would probably be pertinent to discussing their issue here.

From my own personal experiences managing mail servers - the few times I've 
seen a client complain about this kind of issue they did actually send spam - 
or at least one of their mail accounts on their domain did and they weren't 
aware of it.

I'm not saying that's what has happened, but it was the cause of this issue in 
every case I've ever had to deal with it for our clients.  As we do outbound 
spam filtration the issue is admittedly rare for us.

Thank you,

Michael Denney
MDDHosting LLC

> On Dec 27, 2024, at 8:16 AM, Andrew C Aitchison via mailop 
> <mailop@mailop.org> wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Dec 2024, Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop wrote:
>> I sent one, literally ONE, and quite important, mail, to Gmail user. I did
>> NOT send ANY messages to Gmail AT ALL in a week or so.
>> In reply I got the infamous rejection "Gmail has detected that this message
>> is likely unsolicited mail.  To reduce the amount of spam sent to Gmail,
>> this message has been blocked."
>> This is getting totally ridiculous.
> I conclude that this GMail user get virtually no wanted messages from 
> *.eu.org addresses and that many gmail users get significant quantities of 
> spam from these addresses.
> Yes, eu.org is a "TLD" but if most of those addresses send mostly spam, 
> Gmail's statistical system may presume that all messagees from all such 
> addresses are spam.
> Gmail does not worry about one message in a million.
> But perhaps the EU does ?
> Maybe telling your MEP will make a difference ?
> A practical solution might be to get a gmail account
> and submit all email to gmail users through it ?
> If that works, you will have evidence that Gmail is
> discriminating againt competitors ...
> -- 
> Andrew C. Aitchison                      Kendal, UK
>                   and...@aitchison.me.uk
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