Hi Victor,

Am 22.02.20 um 15:59 schrieb Victor Dinculescu:
> Dear MAthias,
> Please remove me from email list.

Sorry, I am not a moderator of this list...

But why don't you unsubcribe yourself (just like you subscribed)?


Just send the unsubscribe mail and answer to the response.
Note that it has to be sent from the same address you subscribed.



> Thank you.
> All the best,
> Victor
> On Sat, 22 Feb 2020 at 12:34, Matthias Seidel <matthias.sei...@hamburg.de>
> wrote:
>> Hi Czesław,
>> I will do my best...
>> But please, I am not a native speaker. Don't try to list all
>> alternatives and proposals, just give me *one* string that I can
>> exchange. ;-)
>> Note: For the future it is planned to have source of the web site on
>> Git(Hub) so you can easily create Pull Requests there...
>> Regards,
>>    Matthias
>> Am 22.02.20 um 10:33 schrieb Czesław Wolański:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have just visited OpenOffice site in Polish and dare to present my
>>> remarks and suggestions.
>>> At link given below you will find a screenshot (format .jpg);
>> wrong/dubious
>>> parts are marked therein in red or yellow.
>>> https://pasteboard.co/IVQ6Q0e.jpg
>>> *I. download page
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
>>>    https://www.openoffice.org/pl/download/
>>> I.1. Few typos in hints:
>>> - help text "Pliki bunarne Apache OpenOffice [...]"
>>>   Replace word "bunarne" with "binarne".
>>>   That non-existing word "bunarne" sounds somewhat funny - in fact I like
>>> it.
>>>   Thank you for this inadvertent (?) invention very much indeed!
>>> - help text "Jak zweryfikować pobranay plik [...]"
>>>   Replace word "pobranay" with "pobrany"
>>> - help text "Pomóż rozpowszechniać na świecie i powiec [...]"
>>>   Replace word "powiec" with "powiedz"
>>> - help text: "Powiedz znojomym o Apache OpenOffice [...]"
>>>   Replace word "znojomym" with "znajomym"
>>> - help text: "Sourceforge - Pobierz, Opracowany i Opublikowany [...]"
>>>   Remove superfluous comma i.e. ","
>>> - help text: "Notatki Wydań dla Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7."
>>>   Link label says "Notatki wydania", so I presume that help text
>>>   should read "Notatki Wydania dla [...]"
>>>   Otherwise few commas are missing (commas before word "aby"). I don't
>>> mind, but any language purist would be appalled.
>>>   In one case however - see point I.2. below - comma is of the essence!
>>> I.2. Inconsistent usage of word "Proszę" (Polish for "please")
>>> Compare two help texts for: Facebook and Twitter.
>>> "Powiedz znojomym o Apache Open Office przez Facebook" and
>>> "Proszę powiedz znajomym o Apache Open Office przez Twitter".
>>> In second sentence comma after word "Proszę" is essential!!! (shall read
>>> "Proszę, powiedz [...]")
>>> Besides both help texts should either use word "Proszę" (with comma after
>>> it) or not use it at all.
>>> IMHO it's better to remove "Proszę" from help text. (in German version
>> for
>>> example word "Bitte" is not used in help text).
>>> I.3. Better wording
>>> -  Help text for Pomoc is "Odnajdź pomoc dla OpenOffice".
>>>    Usage of "Odnajdź" is formally correct but how it sounds? Oddly, to
>> put
>>> it mildly.
>>>    Better version would be "Znajdź pomoc [...]" or "Uzyskaj pomoc [...]"
>> or
>>> "Szukaj pomocy [...]".
>>>    If you care to check French UI, you wil find "Besoin d'aide sous
>>> OpenOffice?" - a question - so
>>>    the fourth proposal would be: "Szukasz pomocy dla OpenOffice?"
>>> -  button for search, label "szukać"
>>>    "szukać" is Polish infinitive form of English equivalent verb "to
>> seek".
>>> It is first time I see
>>>    on website in Polish that form of verb. Usually imperative "szukaj" is
>>> employed.
>>>    Replace then "szukać" with "szukaj".
>>> -  help text "Apache OpenOffice rozwój projektów"
>>>    Dash or if you like (em dash) is necessary, so the help text should
>>> read: "Apache OpenOffice - rozwój projektów"
>>>    (the other acceptable version is "rozwój projektów Apache
>> OpenOffice").
>>> - Compare three language versions [link label] ---> [help text]
>>>   ENGLISH: "Native language" ---> "Apache OpenOffice in your native
>>> language"
>>>   GERMAN: "Sprachen" ---> "Andere Sprachen für Apache OpenOffice"
>>>   POLISH: "Natywny język" ---> "Apache OpenOffice w twoim ojczystym
>> języku"
>>>   In contrast to English word "Native" its Polish equivalent "Natywny"
>>> thrives solely within the domain of
>>>   experts such as linguists, programmers or people dealing with
>>> internationalization/localisation (i18n/L10n).
>>>   Do not force an ordinary user to consult dictionary while surfing the
>> Net
>>>   or try to educate him/her without consent. Simply replace "Natywny
>> język"
>>> with "Język ojczysty"
>>>   (use the word from help text) or apply German version's equivalent:
>>> "Języki"
>>>   And please notice a significant difference in meaning between German
>> and
>>> Polish/English version of set {link label, help text}
>>> I.4. Misleading redirection (?)
>>> I am on Polish download page:
>>> https://www.openoffice.org/pl/download/index.html
>>> If I choose another language (via list box in top right corner), let's
>> say
>>> English,
>>> I will be redirected to page: https://www.openoffice.org/?redirect=soft
>>> I would prefer/expect to stay on a start page with new language in UI
>>> applied.
>>> If however this is a concious decision of web master (for any reason of
>> no
>>> interest to me), I'll humbly accept it.
>>> Just wanted to voice my doubt.
>>> *II.  Home page > pl
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *    https://www.openoffice.org/pl/
>>> II.1  Better wording
>>>      "Chcę uczestniczyć w OpenOffice.
>>>      "Apache OpenOffice jest tworzony przez osoby z całego świata.
>>> Zapraszam do udziału!"
>>>      Word "Zapraszam" (in second line above) is 1st person singular form
>> of
>>> Polish verb "zapraszać" (English "to invite").
>>>      Whenever I encounter such form on any website, I'll always try to
>> find
>>> more information about person who placed it,
>>>      at least his/her full name. On your website I have found nothing and
>>> suspect that might be just an omission.
>>>     So - if there was no intention to "personalize" your web site -
>> replace
>>> "Zapraszam" with "Zapraszamy"
>>>     (1st person plural). It conveys deeper sens of community
>> ("Zapraszamy"
>>> means "we invite"), something you surely
>>>     shall approve of in your search for more volunteers.
>>> Hope you don't mind my minuteness, after all "Small is beautiful".
>>> Regards,
>>> Czesław Wolański

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