Rebecca J. Walter wrote:
> if there isnt already some kind of faq about what people shoudl send
> when they post, could you make one? i for one have no clue what
> thingies need to be typed in for diagnosing the system, let alone fixing
> it.
Hmmm. I've been intimidated by the techtalk FAQ, but I can at least
fill out _these_ sections. I guess I should just start writing the
damn FAQ as best I can, and expect/request comments & criticism. It's
not like we have a real lack of knowledge in the lists - perhaps just
a lack of confidence.
We're certainly at least as /competent/ as an equivalent group of guys,
just less outspoken about it. I say this from having watched us diagnose
each others' problems...
> i am definitely very dependent on the men in my world for technical
> stuff. jesper (my husband) does most of the installing and stuff. and
> i either ask him or the people online when i have problems. the guys on
> #gimp have taught me to install my gimp from cvs. and a guy from redhat
> got my emacs configured right for docs...
MMhhmm. I know that feeling.
> but when it comes to sgml or writing docs, then telsa gwynne (who told
> me about this list) is my place to go. so at least the woman has an
> influence in some of it. my husband comes to me for html stuff. so why
> is it women do sgml and html and not coding?
We do code .. we just .. I don't know. I happen to know that I'm the most
competent tech-writer (well, except for Bekj who's disabled) I know about
around Melbourne, while there's a lot of programmers. So I do the thing
which seems to be the rarer, and thus more valuable, skill....
... it just happens to have less 'esteem' value. Less geek-cred. :/
On the other hand, I insist on being paid at least as much for
techwriting as for coding. My argument, when I need to use it, is
"Your choice: I code, or I techwrite. You want me to techwrite instead,
therefore it's more valuable to you. So pay for it."
Jenn V.
"Do you ever wonder if there's a whole section of geek culture
you miss out on by being a geek?" - Dancer.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Jenn Vesperman
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