psyche wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Mar 2001, Jenny Brown (was Gable) wrote:
> >
> > It doesn't bother me that there are guys on linuxchix... I just
> > wish there were more outspoken women! :) I'm not in much of
> > a position to contribute though, as I'm still a beginniner with
> > linux myself; my talents are in programming.
> >
> I wonder if the guys just tend to bull ahead with answers, and more women
> second-guess themselves--that seems to be a common pattern of how men and
> women react in general. I know I do this myself quite a bit. I'm not a
> Linux guru, but I'm far from being a beginner, or at least I should be,
> having used Linux for 6 years, and using it as my primary operating system
> for 5 1/2 years. But I *still* don't feel confident that I can answer
> many people's questions. One thing I think is that I'm a more hands-on
> type of person--I have trouble figuring out what's wrong with someone's
> system unless I have access to it. I wonder if other people are like
> this, or if many women are particularly like this?
> One confidence-boosting thing happened to me a few years ago--a friend of
> mine was having trouble using his Linux shell account. I logged in his
> account and instantly found out what was wrong, called up the system
> administrator of his ISP and told the sysadmin exactly what to fix. But
> unfortunately I second-guess myself when someone posts with even a simple
> problem, and get frustrated that I can't look at the system myself. It
> helps if people make the posts long and detailed, with exactly the right
> logs and output I need to look at, since I can't do it myself on their
> system. I don't even *think* about typing dmesg or looking at the output
> of ls--I just do it, and figure out the problem on the fly. I guess I
> relate to computers intuitively, and find it hard to abstract enough to
> give others advice. I also don't want to look like a big dummy. :)
psyche -- i am rather new to this whole linux thing... ive been using it
for about 2 years and i have this constant fear that i will make my
puter blow up or something. my husband runs the network and is
threatening slackware at me (we currently have red hat 7, my box is suse
for work purpose)
if there isnt already some kind of faq about what people shoudl send
when they post, could you make one? i for one have no clue what
thingies need to be typed in for diagnosing the system, let alone fixing
i am definitely very dependent on the men in my world for technical
stuff. jesper (my husband) does most of the installing and stuff. and
i either ask him or the people online when i have problems. the guys on
#gimp have taught me to install my gimp from cvs. and a guy from redhat
got my emacs configured right for docs...
but when it comes to sgml or writing docs, then telsa gwynne (who told
me about this list) is my place to go. so at least the woman has an
influence in some of it. my husband comes to me for html stuff. so why
is it women do sgml and html and not coding?
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