>> However I am primarily a programmer, not a sysadmin. I know all I need
>> to know about partitions, I want to talk about the design of my
>> brilliant new web-templating system that I've hatched in the past week.
>Ok. Let's change that.. two subject marks on the list, perhaps? 
>HELP and DESIGN? Or HELP and ADV? Or something?

Now that would be interesting.  I didn't bother to re-subscribe to techtalk
when I switched my list subscription addresses simply because I wasn't
feeling up to just watching simple tech questions going back and forth.  I
love the discussions, but Q&A wasn't compelling enough.  If there were more
discussions on design and such I'd love it, but from what I'd seen at the
time, the design discussions ended up going to grrltalk.  I should probably
re-subscribe to techtalk and listen in a bit more, though... I'm feeling
guilty for not answering help questions after listening to part of this
discussion! (Which is probably a good thing)


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