On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 10:50:42AM -0500, Rick Scott wrote:
> Anyway, part of the reason that I bring this up is because I feel as
> though I've been doing a whole heck of a lot of the posting to
> techtalk lately. [1] I'm pretty new here, and don't have a lot
> of historical perspective - what does everyone think about the
> balance and flavour of the linuxchix lists? How about online
> female-centric or gender-equitable fora on the whole..?
i have no firm data but I've noticed that techtalk seems to have the
most posts from men of any of the Linuxchix lists.
In the time I've been subscribed, there hasn't been very much debate
about allowing men to post to the Linuxchix lists. It is addressed in
the FAQ (the 'men OK, please keep in mind that you're in a forum which
is largely for women' answer).
grrltalk (again impressions) seems to have the least postings from men.
This could be one of two things - the name conveys something to men that
they find a little trivial (a friend of mine claims that needlework is
one of the better ways of creating a women's space, men just aren't
interested and it doesn't look subversive), or they feel a little
intimidated. I think it may be the latter, actually.
I'm fairly comfortable with the balance of the lists. However I've never
felt the need for any women-only fora in order to discuss these kinds of
things, and haven't ever encountered a serious attempt to silence me
(although I've met some really quite odd opinions).
I must say I'm surprising at the lack of 'Hey chix wanna get some' posts
- have these people ever appeared on Linuxchix?
Is there anyone gere who has signficant experience of women's spaces?
Are they different? Is the difference due to the presence of men in
Linuxchix or not, or just the nature of the discussion (a women's group
that focussed on FUGGing - paintbombing sexist ads - is going to be
different from Linuxchix due to the nature of the activites too :) )?
Mary Gardiner
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