In the course of writing up a paper for a philosophy course some
time ago, one of the interesting things that came up is the claim
that men tend to `dominate' conversations -- they speak for more
of the time and interrupt more often. Online, woman-only fora
are (the claim goes) are frequently subject to invasion by
flame-spouting jerks who are apparently angered by the forum's
existence. In cases where the men in question are not overtly
aggressive, women post less once the men are there.
[FWIW, the author in question here is Dale Spender.]
I have no doubt that a fair deal of this goes on, and too much in any
case. Empirically, I pay more attention to my own conversations
and Auto-LART myself if I catch myself interrupting.
(Needless to say, the fact that I find *myself* doing this drives me
up the fscking wall. People get confused when I interrupt them, and
then interrupt myself...)
Anyway, part of the reason that I bring this up is because I feel as
though I've been doing a whole heck of a lot of the posting to
techtalk lately. [1] I'm pretty new here, and don't have a lot
of historical perspective - what does everyone think about the
balance and flavour of the linuxchix lists? How about online
female-centric or gender-equitable fora on the whole..?
[1] I'm posting to another forum, to talk about posting
too much. Oh, the Sad Irony. =)
key CF8F8A75 / print C5C1 F87D 5056 D2C0 D5CE D58F 970F 04D1 CF8F 8A75
All music jars when the soul's out of tune.
:Miguel de Cervantes
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