I came to linuxchix as a way to counter internalized stereotypes...
I'm female, have been a programmer for years, but still have
trouble sometimes considering other women to be technically

So, I came as a way to see (with my very own eyes) that the
stereotype was wrong.  And thus, to gain more confidence in my
own skills and overcome some of the conditioning.

To that extent, it's been somewhat helpful, but not as much as
I expected.  Mainly, I think, it's because I see women asking
questions and guys answering... and they're still the experts...
It's hard to summarize though because there just hasn't been
that much traffic.

Contrast with systers, which as best I can tell is exclusively
women; and where I've really found what I was looking for.

It doesn't bother me that there are guys on linuxchix... I just
wish there were more outspoken women!  :)  I'm not in much of
a position to contribute though, as I'm still a beginniner with
linux myself; my talents are in programming.


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