yes, guys just blunder ahead more.
if i ask a question on irc, usually telsa has the right answer and i
get 2-3 wrong answers from guys. of course there is also a small matter
of telsa explains things better. i tend to need things step-by-step in
idiot terms. im not overwhelmingly bright (like i forget how to unpack
a tar every five seconds). i think women tend to be better at
explaining than men. maybe men like to show off that they know all the
big words. women tend to understand better that i need a description of
what im doing. a few guys have gotten good at it, but some seem like if
i dont know how to do that on my own im not worth helping.
and please dont send me to man pages. ive read man pages. i think they
were written by and for men. i cant even begin to make sense out of
ps--i majored in english. cant you tell?
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