> <grin> You'd think having a (female) friend named vinnie would cure you of
> this automatic gender assignation

I have been working with a woman in the extended degree program named
"chris". I know she's a woman because I've seen her and dealt with her for
a while, but I can ONLY imagine how unnerving it must be to get e-mail
requests for support addressed to "Mr. Chris ...". It would drive me

Her full name is Christina (I believe) and really, Chris fits her a lot
better. I guess it's weird how name assumptions work... and how much names
have been polarised into "boy names" and "girl names". What do we do with
the left over names like Chris, Kelly, etc?

It drives me nuts to have my name spelled wrong, let alone have someone
assume it's of a different gender... I can't imagine how you deal with it
(other than getting used to it, like having your name spelled wrong ;o)).

This is semi off topic, I know, but names are interesting things. :o)


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