> I have been working with a woman in the extended degree program
> "chris". I know she's a woman because I've seen her and dealt with
her for
> a while, but I can ONLY imagine how unnerving it must be to get
> requests for support addressed to "Mr. Chris ...". It would drive me
> insane!
You get used to it. Constantly receive correspondence for Mr.
Christian MacAuley and i basically ignore it. I even get mail for Mr.
Macauley Christian, whoever that is :).
But what really bothers me is when a person *asserts* that i'm male.
I was informally uninvited from a women's only event in email once for
having a 'male' name. The person responsible apoligized profusely
when i told them i really was female!
I also hate when i introduce myself to someone and they say, "I
thought Christian was a male name." I usually say, "Well, it's *my*
name ... "
Once when i was 13 years old with short hair a women cut my hair and
thought i was a little boy. I don't mean for a few minutes, i mean
after a whole 20 minute haircut the women turned to my mom and said,
"does he ... (something)". *That* was unnerving. (I cried.)
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