Me again
> Ahh something I know about... YIPPIE!! MS Excel came out on the Macintosh
> platform BEFORE any other platform... and it came out aleast sometime
IIRC, MS bought Excel from another company. It's possible that it was
already made for the Mac, but did they keep on updating it for the Mac?
I certainly didn't see it till 98, and I used Macs quite a bit back in
college. Also, Macs were very popular up till the 90s, making programs
for it made sense back in the 80s, especially since teh reason that
people chose IBM compatibles over Macs was the lack of busienss software.
> Note:SGI doesn't have a monopoly and they charge far more then this for
> thier upgrades (or atleast did back in the mid 90s)
Yeah but they also had software tie-ins to Irix. Expensive software that
wasn't available on other OSs. If you're spending $600k on SGIs, and the
only OS to run your $300k software is Irix, that's what you're going to
get (I'm basing these on what my school paid for a lab of 24 SGI machines
back in 96). You can spend 50k on a Sun server, and you can run Solaris
or Linux on it, but with Solaris you can scale higher, runs better, more
stable, blah blah blah, so you spend the $400 for a license of Solaris...
people aren't as cost conscious when your'e talking LOTS of money. When
you're talking a $600 computer, and the OS is $99 when you could get one
that is just as good for free... that is what we're saying when we say
abusing a monopoly. Besides $99 is just for the UPGRADE... regular
windows is what, $250? And you can't even get an older version of
windows for cheaper either!
> Correction: IE is available for MS95,NT,MacOS, solaris, and HP/UX
This is new... I'd never heard of IE4 for the unix platforms. But
remember, MS wanted to control the browser market, so it was in their
best interest to port it to other platforms. This, however is just fine
and legal.
> ok.. now for my one remark... regarding "TIE in"...
> at what point is something considered to be an illegal "tie in"...
That is hard to figure out, but once you're a monopoly you better not be
doing that...