On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, curious wrote:

> > No, they *forced* their competitor to leave a product behind.  In fair
> > practice, IBM would have been forced to leave their product behind because
> > of market pressure by consumers, not by pressure from Microsoft. 
> If OS/2 was marketable enough of a product... it wouln't have had to be
> dumpted... however Microsoft's marketing unfortunatly won... I'm surprised
> your being so defensive of IBM... if any company could be acused of being
> strong armed against compeditors.. IBM would be it.. look up FUD in the
> jargon file and be amused :)... they tell people 'you can use that
> mathmatical formula because we own the patent.. unless you pay us.. or you
> give us rights to your patents" 

Just using IBM as an example, since it had been brought up.


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