lots of snippage in here...
> > It's cobbled together from pieces they bought and modified, or outright
> > copied.
> Welcome to the commercial version of opensource :)
Last I checked, open source people don't rip off others' code, stick it
in their own product, and charge out the ass for it...
> > No, it was the Microsoft way of the highway. Because Microsoft has an
> > effective monopoly in PC operating systems, any company who didn't agree
> > would be bankrupt almost immediately. If that isn't "force", I don't know
> > what is.
> Last I checked apple is still around... and that is a company that TRYIED
> to commit suicide...
uhh okay... when was this again?
And ONE competitor (not even in the same playing field) means they
aren't a monopoly?
> > now, been an OS manufacturer. Without the DOJ case somewhat restricting
> > Microsoft, the prospects for Corel and Red Hat are pretty bleak,
> I disagree... Microsoft probably won't be able to kill linux..
not linux... Red Hat and Corel. Public entities...
> > Would you prefer anarchy?
> Certianly would shake things up a bit :)
I don't think it is realistic, however.
> > Our government is not totalitarian.
> not totaly totalitarian.. however we are all partial slaves to the
> government since we do not have a choice on paying taxes... ie. they can
> come collect taxes by force...
And those taxes go to benefit and serve the people... I certainly don't
feel like a "slave to the man" when I am paying taxes or when I see them
come out of my paycheck every 2 weeks.
recently here in washington we had an initiative pass that cut vehicle
taxes (tabs) down from relative amounts (to age of vehicle mostly) to
flat $30. This results in a loss of over $1 billion, most of which goes
to small towns just starting up or even fairly developed. Several small
towns on the eastern part of the state (mostly rural area) will have to
discorporate or go bankrupt. That is a tax I'd much rather have than
lose, personally... encouraged development of new cities, better
organisation and representation of people to their elected officials
(giving them more say in how things are done).
If we voluntarily paid taxes, nearly nobody would pay them. Why else
would people vote AGAINST a tax that directly benefited public
transportation (most of the above $1 billion) and development of small
cities? To me, it shows that given the chance, people would eliminate
all taxes and we'd all just be screwed.
I don't think privatizing things just magickally *fixes* them.
> > Medicare?
> yups
great... I guess you don't have an HMO? Expensive, gets you adequate
"preventative care" (since that saves *THEM* in the long run). If you
get a cavity, you pay for most of it on your own... but if you get your
teeth cleaned, now that's okay. If you have to go to the emergency room,
be sure you call them first or risk not getting any insurance coverage.
> > How is enforcing anti-trust laws going to "screw things up"?
> It punishes thouse who are succesful... it aplies one set of rules to
> someone who is successful... it's unfair.. and un-equal....
Sounds republican-esque. We shouldn't tax the rich since they're so
successful and grace us with their presence in the first place by
donating to our economy to make it flourish.
> > Be specific.
> It will set precidence for further actions and lawsuits... it will
> influence peoples choices in ways it should not... I've met people who
> have opted for lower paying jobs so that they could get more of the money
> that they earned... sick I tell you.. anyways.. it would cause unfair and
> undue hardship on successful people..
So people SHOULD use windows even if there are "better" products out
there to suit their needs?
It's not successful *people* we're talking about here... it's
monopolistic *entities*.
> > This has nothing to do with anti-trust. You are mixing apples and oranges
> > here.
> I don't think so.. we are saying that a microsoft monopoly is evil.. yet
> we are just fine with having Amtrac, USPS, DOT own the highways... etc...
> be government own and/or controled monopolies...
But the companies that do work for the DOT are contracted IIRC. The DOT
says "hey we want this road fixed up here", the gov't gives 'em some
money (if the people think it's a good idea) based on bids from
companies that do road work type stuff. They take the lowest/best bid
and give that company a contract, just like when the
department-of-big-buildings decides they want a correctional facility
As far as amtrak and the postal service are concerned... yes, I am just
find with their "monopolies". My mail gets delivered... I get to train
station B on time... all in general, but at least they are not
half-assed products like windows.
I do think you are comparing apples and oranges as well...
The judge made an interesting comment on microsoft withholding
technology (via it's monopoly) that would have been good for the
like Ian said, this juge really did get it :o)
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