Hi, Cat,
> > want to lable it.. and they wanted more people to use thier product as
> > apposed to IBM's product... so they ask thier competitor to leave a
> > product behind... ok...
> No, they *forced* their competitor to leave a product behind. In fair
> practice, IBM would have been forced to leave their product behind because
> of market pressure by consumers, not by pressure from Microsoft.
Exactly! Now, if IBM's marketing continued to be lame, or if they failed to
provide the level of support and service Microsoft provided, Microsoft could
have won that round of the OS wars fairly. It didn't happen that way.
Microsoft saw a real threat (much as it sees Linux today) and crushed it.
That, despite the fact that at it's absolute peak, OS/2 never had more than
8% of the OS market.
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