> the whole thing wasn't resolved until two years ago when micros~1 invested
> $150 million in apple and committed to developing over the next 5 years as
> many releases of office for mac as for windows, in exchange for which apple
> agreed to make explorer the default browser installed with MacOS.  and part
> of that deal involved some cross-licensing agreement which finally resolved
> all the patent and/or copyright infringements they had both threatened each
> other with over the years.

the latest version netscape comes with macOS too, both were preinstalled
(along with outlook) on our powerbook purchased with os8.6. I
demonstrated my macOS skillz by quickly fixing the problem. :o)

Outlook, to me, isn't very intuitive, *especially* some of the stuff
they've done in the office 2000 version (speaking windows now)... click
on "file" and you only get about half of the menu items, then when you
hit the little "down arrow" at the bottom of the menu, things start
appearing. They don't appear below the beginning menu items, they appear
within those menu items and inverted-ish. UGH. 

Like that start menu thing where it doesn't alphabetize itself anymore
and creates a similar "down arrow" to see the rest of it. 

And... that thing in windows2000 (professional, not server) where you go
to create a new user using their "next" menus and it tells you you can't
because they don't exist. Manually add them, go back to that utility,
and it tells you you can't add them to any group because they DO exist.
I hope that is a problem that will be fixed in the next "beta" or the
final version. 

The more I use linux at home, the more I dislike windows. Whoever
brought up (maybe it was on grrltalk or slashdot) not being able to
MANUALLY fix something when you KNEW the correct settings in windows as
being horrible was right. :o)


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