>impression that men are more interested in me for my body than for what I 
>actually know about computers or networking.

Is this a new idea?  You get the impression because it's a fact.
Men are built this way, it's the whole nature thing.  But, some of us can 
be "retaught" with newer, more updated ideas in our heads (on top of our 
shoulders), but this is expensive and wasn't ok'd for the 2000 budget.  So, 
for the majority, the whole "pig" thing suits just fine.
But, in labeling like that, in such an extreme way, you'd get a pretty big 
backlash.  So, I guess we're back to square one.

>I also understand that many women buy into the whole "sex-object" thing, 
>but that doesn't mean its  right or good to continue to view women that 
>way.   And it also seems that there are many women and men on this list 
>who don't buy into objectification. Just because 20 lemmings jump off a 
>cliff doesn't make it a good idea.

I'm a big believer in the "whatever you want" concept.  Want to be a big 
sexist?  Want to be a big bigot?  Whatever.  I'll expound on the subject at 
great length, but do I really believe I can change anyone's opinion?  Not 

/////You've had a visitation by...\\\\\\
And he's got painted toenails...


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