Hi Ingrid.
I agree with your sentiment - it's bad marketing if you want to attract
(straight) women (and queer men and people who aren't attracted/aroused by
nudie shots). However, most Linux geeks aren't marketers. If we were, would we
name our applications things like gimp and kill? :)
I understand your dismay that there are folks out there who are eager to show
off their latest girlie picture - I have the same gut reaction, but when it
comes down to it, I subscribe to the following paraphrased quotation of
someone whose name I've forgotten:
'I may not like what you have to say, but I will defend until my death your
right to say it.'
That's what it (pornography) comes down to for me - it's freedom of speech.
Very very important concept. Let's hang on to it.
Ingrid Schupbach wrote:
> I am fed-up with all these screenshots that include pictures of scantily
> clad or otherwise sexually charged pictures of women. When I was trying
> to find a good new theme from e.themes.org I was really turned off by
> this. I find that this is just another example of how the Linux community
> often -- probably largely unknowingly and unwittingly -- creates a boy's
> lockeroom atmosphere. As a woman, it just doesn't make it seem like I'm
> really invited.
> I respect the Linux mantra that everyone should be able to design their
> computers and their piece of cyberspace in whatever way they choose. But
> messages should not be sent out carelessly and thoughtlessly. If there
> really is a commitment to making Linux inviting to everyone, then I
> believe there needs to be a change in the horny-male-geeks-only atmosphere
> that's awfully pervasive. I'm tired of being asked whether I'm a
> perky-breasted-Linux-chick, and I'm tired of endless references to penises
> and to porn in Linux-related irc channels.
> Ingrid
> ************
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