Ingrid Schupbach wrote:

> Further, I wanted to tell you that I emailed one gentleman who advertised
> his background-changing applet with screenshots replete with pin-ups.
> After a bit of email discussion, we decided that I would install his
> applet and send him pictures of my desktop.

Seems like a very appropriate response to me.

> And finally, no, I won't just "deal with it" or suck it up.  Things never
> change for the better by just accepting them as they are.  This should be
> abundantly clear to anyone in the Linux community - a place where people
> constantly working to improve and better their computer environments.

Yup. I don't 'just deal' with things either. I'm working a quiet crusade
against unusable websites - when I wind up on one, I hunt for the
webmaster's address and politely state that I found their site unusable
and why. Same philosophy.

I do get an occasional 'well fsck you' response. I also get a few
'gee, I didn't even think of that' responses. Mostly I get ignored.

I figure that the people who are rude or the ones who don't pay
attention deserve their sites to be unusable. The ones were merely
ignorant get as much help from me as they ask for - though sometimes
that help is a direction to the WWW consortium or the HTML writer's
guild. :)

Jenn V.
  Humans are the only species to feed and house entirely separate species 
     for no reason other than the pleasure of their company. Why?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]        Jenn Vesperman


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