Am 07/28/2014 09:43 PM, schrieb Marcus (OOo):
Am 07/28/2014 07:07 PM, schrieb Kay Schenk:
On 07/28/2014 01:05 AM, Tal Daniel wrote:
On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 2:35 AM, Kay Schenk<> wrote:
On 07/26/2014 10:16 PM, Tal Daniel wrote:
Don't you think this page should exist elsewhere, not on the site?
on> native language section? It's feels as a status
page, rather than a page for visitors.
I think it's just where it is for historical purposes, and I see your
point. We can move it.
Anyway, my "new" version is at:
Even after I suggested it, I'm not sure I'm 100% happy with my simpler
definitions. See the definition for "maintained". The download links
from these pages work, but some are NOT to a localized download due to
editing (by me some weeks ago) to at least get them to some correct
download area. :/ So, what to do with these gray areas?
Nonactive/non-maintained websites will, eventually, be removed from the
language selection box;a call for volunteers is also appropriate, in
to revive such a website (another column?)
choosing the language from the drop-down-box is a fast and cheap way to
come to unmaintained webpages that have the large hint (we have to make
this sure) to help to get it complete again.
So, I think it would not be good to delete it from the selection.
Ok, I just changed the definitions slightly and corrected some errors
I'd made in assessment yesterday as well. This needs another pair of
again, at:
Maybe we should take the content (current or outdated) and the work on
it (maintained or help wanted) into account? With this we can say, e.g.,
"outdated + maintained". This means that the content is old but there is
someone who is working on updates.
Here my further idea:
current The website is OK and needs no help.
outdated The website has old content and needs to be updated.
maintained Someone is already actively working on the website.
help wanted Volunteers are welcome to help updating the website.
the discussion about formatting is all fine and all good. But without
content is doesn't matter, right? ;-)
Please can we first finalize the content. Then we can beautifying the
webpage step by step.
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