On 03/15/13 17:44, Aljosha Papsch wrote:
Riccardo Mottola <riccardo.mott...@libero.it> schrieb:
On 03/15/13 16:16, Samuel Thibault wrote:
A colleague of mine looked at what could be the german version, and
found something like:
“Das Computer gab den Löffel ab” (The computer gave the spoon away)
“Das Computer beißt ins Gras” (The computer eats the grass)
Probably needs proof-reading :)
Both look fine, I prefer the first one, personally, as it is a phrase I
have heard.
It is written correctly.
However, both phrases should start with "Der Computer...".
Indeed, I've overlooked that gross error, checking for spelling and not
"Der Rechner", even? If in the French you write "Ordinateur" :)