Hi, > > (Is there a pun path from Old MacDonald's e-i-e-i-o to Hurd's EIEIO ?)
> There definitely is. Maybe the message should just say: "With a beep-beep here and a moo-moo there: EIEIO !" A matching german theme would be our duckling song: "Alle meine Entchen, schwimmen auf dem See. Koepfchen unter Wasser, Schwaenzchen in die Hoeh'." (All my ducklings are swimming on the lake. Heads under water, tails up high.) Or a song theme by brothers Grimm: "Haensel und Gretel verirrten sich im Wald." (Haensel and Gretel got lost in the woods.) (Where they will meet the witch who tries to eat Haensel but finally gets thrown into the oven herself. Very graphic.) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Another approach: "Rumors of my demise have regrettably proven true." (Die Geruechte ueber mein Ableben sind leider wahr.) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Have a nice day :) Thomas