Earlier messages
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Messages by Thread
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098996] [NEW] empty_string_filtering extension is not enabled for ML2/OVN
Alexey Stupnikov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098996] Re: empty_string_filtering extension is not enabled for ML2/OVN
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098914] [NEW] nova api process blocked
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098892] [NEW] "TypeError: virNodeDeviceLookupByName() argument 2 must be str or None, not Proxy" from update_available_resource with mdevs
melanie witt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098892] Re: "TypeError: virNodeDeviceLookupByName() argument 2 must be str or None, not Proxy" from update_available_resource with mdevs
melanie witt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098892] Re: "TypeError: virNodeDeviceLookupByName() argument 2 must be str or None, not Proxy" from update_available_resource with mdevs
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098815] [NEW] attempting to write bad value to column external_ids (ovsdb error: expected string, got <class 'NoneType'>)
Terry Wilson
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098815] Re: attempting to write bad value to column external_ids (ovsdb error: expected string, got <class 'NoneType'>)
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098785] [NEW] DOMNodeInserted mutation event deprecation/removal
Davi Frossard
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098768] [NEW] Increase the ``neutron-tempest-plugin-vpnaas`` CI job timeout
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098768] Re: Increase the ``neutron-tempest-plugin-vpnaas`` CI job timeout
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098737] [NEW] Create a restricted default policy for undefined API calls
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098736] [NEW] [RFE] Use quota engine to replace config option "max_allowed_address_pair"
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1996094] Re: heal_instance_info_cache_interval help text is inaccurate
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098621] [NEW] ports can attempt to bind to the wrong segment
Doug Goldstein
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2077541] Re: CredentialNotFound not caught and enumerating credentials using the EC2_S3_Resource
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098496] [NEW] VM gets more PCI hostdevs than requested when PCI in Placement is enabled with VFs
Balazs Gibizer
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098384] [NEW] VM creation fails if the image has a property with long name or value
Balazs Gibizer
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1943508] Re: Victoria: router gw ip duplicate in ovn nbctl show
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098168] [NEW] Cinder: volume attach fails (unauthorized API req)
Friedrich Eierspeis
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098085] [NEW] SRIOV mechanism driver may attach to the wrong segment where a host has access to multiple segments of the same network
Andrew Bonney
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098085] Re: SRIOV mechanism driver may attach to the wrong segment where a host has access to multiple segments of the same network
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097890] [NEW] qemu-img not found when testing on Ubuntu 20.04
Seunghun Lee
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097836] [NEW] Manual installation - need update documentation
Ivan Anfimov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097770] [NEW] Detaching floating ip of instances makes Neutron L3 routers failover
Seunghun Lee
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097770] Re: [ML2/OVS] Detaching floating ip of instances makes Neutron L3 routers failover
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097747] [NEW] neutron not update ovn routers
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097729] [NEW] Pci_requests numa_policy lost due to cold migration
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1888237] Re: nova-next job fails as novnc service fails with TypeError: _wrap_socket() argument 1 must be _socket.socket, not GreenSSLSocket
Paul White
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1940733] Re: [oslo_reports] options are missing from the config file generated by oslo-confi-generator
Takashi Kajinami
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097610] [NEW] No connection from outside host to VPNaaS host after upgrading from Ussuri to Victoria/Wallaby
Dmytro Kostinov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1850137] Re: Hosts in a VPNaaS-VPNaas VPN lose their interconnect.
Dmytro Kostinov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097603] [NEW] "api_workers=0" config option should be not allowed
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097603] Re: "api_workers=0" config option should be not allowed
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1648046] Re: AFTER_INIT callback not invoked when api_workers == 0
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097586] [NEW] Random test failures with libvirt.libvirtError: Failed to terminate process 53286 with SIGKILL: Device or resource busy
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097580] [NEW] VM with vTPM goes to error state when hypervisor host reboot
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097550] [NEW] flask-restful is abandoned
Takashi Kajinami
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097498] [NEW] Cannot find console log after server resize with serial console enabled
ChungWon Lee
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097431] [NEW] [OVN] OVN metadata agent should build the response according to the content
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097431] Re: [OVN] OVN metadata agent should build the response according to the content
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097422] [NEW] Use <boot order="x"> syntax for devices in XML
Balazs Gibizer
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097414] [NEW] The glance scrubber cannot delete locations in database of url images when use delayed delete
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1931875] Re: Docs might be wrong for configuring keystone access params
melanie witt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1931875] Re: Docs might be wrong for configuring keystone access params
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097371] [NEW] Failed reboot is reported as success
Fabian Wiesel
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097367] [NEW] networking-bagpipe CI is broken since linuxbridge driver removal
Lajos Katona
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097360] [NEW] The InstanceNUMACell related content of instance_extra.numa_topology field constantly changing between version 1.4 and version1.6 while pre Victoria compute is running
Balazs Gibizer
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097360] Re: The InstanceNUMACell related content of instance_extra.numa_topology field constantly changing between version 1.4 and version1.6 while pre Victoria compute is running
Balazs Gibizer
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097359] [NEW] InstanceNUMACell ovo version is incorrect in the instance_extra table
Balazs Gibizer
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097359] Re: InstanceNUMACell ovo version is incorrect in the instance_extra table
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097284] [NEW] test_async_process_respawns_with_race_condition functional test fails randomly
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097284] Re: test_async_process_respawns_with_race_condition functional test fails randomly
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095304] Re: Glance reveal S3 backend credentials during image creation
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097286] [NEW] devstack-tobiko-neutron failing in zed and 2023.1 with missing designate
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097273] [NEW] [OVN] Neutron OVN metadata agent broken
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097273] Re: [OVN] Neutron OVN metadata agent broken
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097257] [NEW] [eventlet-removal] Use ``ThreadPoolExecutor`` for ``periodics.PeriodicWorker``
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097257] Re: [eventlet-removal] Use ``ThreadPoolExecutor`` for ``periodics.PeriodicWorker``
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097212] [NEW] Resolv.conf search domain is different from the network's dns_domain
Jimin Shin
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097124] [NEW] [OSC] Missing filter in "openstack neutron agent --agent-type" for OVN agents
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097124] Re: [OSC] Missing filter in "openstack neutron agent --agent-type" for OVN agents
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097124] Re: [OSC] Missing filter in "openstack neutron agent --agent-type" for OVN agents
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2070501] Re: nova-next is failing due to test trying to use ide wiht q35 machine type
Salah hazaa
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2070501] Re: nova-next is failing due to test trying to use ide wiht q35 machine type
Sylvain Bauza
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2096983] [NEW] [OVN] Error executing command (LspGetUpCommand): ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl.idlutils.RowNotFound
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2096941] [NEW] [OVN Routed Provider Networks] : New Compute nodes are not added to their segment aggregate
Terry Wilson
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2096941] Re: [OVN Routed Provider Networks] : New Compute nodes are not added to their segment aggregate
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2096931] [NEW] Duplicate packets with router betwen flat network and vlan network
Will Szumski
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2096912] [NEW] Grenade jobs with NEUTRON_DEPLOY_MOD_WSGI = True don't restart neutron server services
Slawek Kaplonski
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2096912] Re: Grenade jobs with NEUTRON_DEPLOY_MOD_WSGI = True don't restart neutron server services
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2096884] [NEW] Server create request leaves volume in reserved state when server group quota is exceeded
melanie witt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1972028] Re: [SRU] _get_pci_passthrough_devices prone to race condition
Edward Hope-Morley
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1972028] Re: [SRU] _get_pci_passthrough_devices prone to race condition
Andreas Hasenack
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2096802] [NEW] keepalived spawn failures in neutron-l3-agent
Pierre Riteau
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2096802] Re: keepalived spawn failures in neutron-l3-agent
Pierre Riteau
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2096802] Re: keepalived spawn failures in neutron-l3-agent
Brian Haley
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2096757] [NEW] gate: Cannot add host to aggregate ... Reason: The host cannot be added to the aggregate as the availability zone of the host would change from \'None\' to \'foo_zone\' but ...
Bence Romsics
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2096719] [NEW] No description available. - message is not translated into other languages
Ivan Anfimov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2096704] [NEW] [RFE] Allow rebalancing of OVN LRPs
Daniel 'f0o' Preussker
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2096702] [NEW] Unable to retrieve tenant limits
Ivan Anfimov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2096341] [NEW] 'nova-manage image_property set' does not work with traits
melanie witt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095807] Re: OVN loadbalancer via FIP does not work for DVR + VLAN networks
Michael Johnson
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095807] Re: OVN loadbalancer via FIP does not work for DVR + VLAN networks
Vasyl Saienko
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095807] Re: OVN loadbalancer via FIP does not work for DVR + VLAN networks
Vasyl Saienko
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095807] [NEW] OVN loadbalancer via FIP does not work for DVR + VLAN networks
Launchpad Bug Tracker
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095598] [NEW] test_async_process_respawns functional test failing in fips functional job
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095598] Re: test_async_process_respawns functional test failing in fips functional job
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095595] [NEW] The neutron-dhcp-agent resync throttling mechanism doesn't work
Anton Kurbatov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095591] [NEW] CPUs in exclusive cpusets are used for scheduling vCPUs
Kaloyan Kotlarski
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095591] Re: CPUs in exclusive cpusets are used for scheduling vCPUs
sean mooney
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095590] [NEW] [OVN] Neutron API stops refreshing the hash ring node
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095590] Re: [OVN] Neutron API stops refreshing the hash ring node
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095586] [NEW] Untranslated "invalid credentials" message while authorization
Dmitriy Chubinidze
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095587] [NEW] Thunderbird snap not installable on stable branch
Ioannis Christoforidis
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095587] Re: Thunderbird snap not installable on stable branch
Ivan Anfimov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095587] Re: Thunderbird snap not installable on stable branch
Takashi Kajinami
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095576] [NEW] [OVS] False ERROR log message every time when creating VM
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095576] Re: [OVS] False ERROR log message every time when creating VM
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095566] [NEW] [OVN] Router creation timeouts randomly
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095566] Re: [OVN] Router creation timeouts randomly
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095514] [NEW] ``test-release-openstack`` CI job failing
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095514] Re: ``test-release-openstack`` CI job failing
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095460] [NEW] nova api needs too long for server list
Max Friedrich
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095414] [NEW] "openstack port list --long" output contains invalid information about security groups
Fernando Royo
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095414] Re: "openstack port list --long" output contains invalid information about security groups
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095391] [NEW] Cold migration fails with shared storage when the flavor has swap configured
Amit Uniyal
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095374] [NEW] File to import not found or unreadable: /horizon/lib/font_awesome/scss/font-awesome.scss
Patrick Omland
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095364] [NEW] List server API v2.96 returns 500 if there is missing request spec object
Masahito Muroi
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095323] [NEW] ADMIN_OR_NET_OWNER_{MEMBER|READER} rules adds "network:tenant_id" to the final dict returned from the API
Slawek Kaplonski
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095323] Re: ADMIN_OR_NET_OWNER_{MEMBER|READER} rules adds "network:tenant_id" to the final dict returned from the API
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095322] [NEW] ADMIN_OR_NET_OWNER_{MEMBER|READER} rules don't work for subnets
Slawek Kaplonski
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1856866] Re: Wrong german translation for "This instance is unlocked."
Ivan Anfimov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1999519] Re: Typo in French translation concerning admin state
Ivan Anfimov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095224] [NEW] Functional jobs randomly timed out, possible load issues on the host
Vasyl Saienko
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095196] [NEW] functional: test_virtual_port_host_update failed due to ovsdb SB transaction timeout, "Unreasonably long 25512ms poll interval (0ms user, 26ms system)" in ovsdb-server log
Ihar Hrachyshka
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095195] [NEW] VM fails to receive IPv4 from DHCP agent because the agent has not updated the network config for dnsmasq after port was created
Ihar Hrachyshka
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095185] [NEW] test_legacy_router_conntrack_helper failed as "neutron_lib.exceptions.BridgeDoesNotExist: Bridge test-bre0e2da16 does not exist" when router attempted to plug interface
Ihar Hrachyshka
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095180] [NEW] test_agent_metadata_port_dhcp_reenable_event fails when ovsdb-server combines create and later update into a single create event for monitor
Ihar Hrachyshka
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095180] Re: test_agent_metadata_port_dhcp_reenable_event fails when ovsdb-server combines create and later update into a single create event for monitor
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095173] [NEW] Ephemeral volumes can be corrupted during VM migration
Doug Szumski
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095167] [NEW] BW limit not applied to external/provider network
Eduardo Olivares
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095167] Re: BW limit not applied to external/provider network
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095156] [NEW] ironic network metadata does not contain info about bond links
Vasyl Saienko
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095156] Re: ironic network metadata does not contain info about bond links
Vasyl Saienko
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095152] [NEW] ovs-agent: Leftover tpi/spi interfaces after VM boot/delete with trunk port(s)
Bence Romsics
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095150] [NEW] Admin user doesn't see port binding and provider network details
Bernd Bausch
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095097] [NEW] 500 error creating resource with emoji for name
Matthew Booth
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095091] [NEW] test_metadata_ipv6_only_network failed looking for QUERY_MSG
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1803438] Re: Install and configure in keystone
Ivan Anfimov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095084] [NEW] [OVN] Error in ``_delete_router_remove_external_gateways``: "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'network_id'"
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095084] Re: [OVN] Error in ``_delete_router_remove_external_gateways``: "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'network_id'"
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095044] [NEW] test_ip_lib calls to sudo and fails (sometimes?)
Ihar Hrachyshka
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095044] Re: test_ip_lib calls to sudo and fails (sometimes?)
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095038] [NEW] delete_on_termination=true fails to clean-up volumes in certain scenarios
Alan Baghumian
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095034] [NEW] test_interface_monitor_filtering fails with "Interface monitor not filtered did not received an event for ports" because it assumes that events for both ports arrive at the same call to monitor
Ihar Hrachyshka
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095034] Re: test_interface_monitor_filtering fails with "Interface monitor not filtered did not received an event for ports" because it assumes that events for both ports arrive at the same call to monitor
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1947295] Re: horizon client denied
Ivan Anfimov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1909581] Re: Install and configure for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS in horizon
Ivan Anfimov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095000] [NEW] ovs-agent: Failed to store metadata for trunk ...: Cannot find Bridge with name=tbr-...
Bence Romsics
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2095000] Re: ovs-agent: Failed to store metadata for trunk ...: Cannot find Bridge with name=tbr-...
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2094970] [NEW] rally ovn job timing out with eventlet 0.38.2
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2092570] Re: rebuild instance result in error in 2024.2
Julia Kreger
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2092570] Re: rebuild instance result in error in 2024.2
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2094846] [NEW] fails because remove_subports fails to update OVN db due to revision number inconsistency
Ihar Hrachyshka
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2094842] [NEW] "ovs.db.error.Error: ovsdb error: 0 values when type requires between 1 and 9223372036854775807" when router is attached to network without subnet
Ihar Hrachyshka
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2094840] [NEW] OVN driver doesn't receive port-binding UP update from OVN controller; Nova eventually times out while building VM
Ihar Hrachyshka
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2094840] Re: OVN driver doesn't receive port-binding UP update from OVN controller; Nova eventually times out while building VM
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2094816] [NEW] Broken function calls in glance/db/sqlalchemy/
Tobias Urdin
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2094816] Re: Broken function calls in glance/db/sqlalchemy/
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1721736] Re: Horizon does not allow domain admin to create users
Ivan Anfimov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2094810] [NEW] neutron-status upgrade check fails on checking if ovn_alembic_version table exists
Slawek Kaplonski
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2094810] Re: neutron-status upgrade check fails on checking if ovn_alembic_version table exists
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2094736] [NEW] [OVN] Missing ``LogicalSwitchPortUpdateUpEvent`` when a port is bound
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1895680] Re: Install and configure in keystone
Ivan Anfimov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1909303] Re: Install and configure in keystone
Ivan Anfimov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1894167] Re: Install and configure in keystone
Ivan Anfimov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1996216] Re: Install and configure in keystone
Dmitriy Chubinidze
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2093879] [NEW] resource tracker raises PlacementPCIException for every InventoryInUser error coming from placement via update_from_provider_tree()
Balazs Gibizer
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2093869] [NEW] update conflict: Inventory for 'DISK_GB' on resource provider 'r_p-id' in use
Amit Uniyal
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2093849] [NEW] bandit showing false-positives in neutron gate
Brian Haley
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2093849] Re: bandit showing false-positives in neutron gate
Brian Haley
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2093433] [NEW] OVS Manager creation is failing at ovs-agent startup causing that values like inactivity_timeout are not set
Lajos Katona
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2032817] Re: [OVN] packet drops when provider network MTU exceeds tenant network MTU
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2093367] [NEW] Unmarked "Port security" checkbox in port setting
Dmitriy Chubinidze
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2093347] [NEW] [ovn-octavia-provider] first request is stuck on OVN txn
Fernando Royo
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2093347] Re: [ovn-octavia-provider] first request is stuck on OVN txn
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2093334] [NEW] libvirt - I/O erorrs after modify fs.aio-max-nr
Patryk Basko
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2093327] [NEW] [OVN] Port unbinding operation receives rogue port UP event too
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2093327] Re: [OVN] Port unbinding operation receives rogue port UP event too
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2093317] [NEW] Missing Documentation for vpnaas with ovn
Marc Vorwerk
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2093317] Re: Missing Documentation for vpnaas with ovn
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2069543] Re: instance tap port has dead vlan when parent port for trunk
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2093276] [NEW] problems with translation
Dmitriy Chubinidze
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2093276] Re: problems with translation
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2093258] [NEW] HTTP500 returned on get ports due to AttributeError when extracting tags
Pavlo Shchelokovskyy
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2093258] Re: HTTP500 returned on get ports due to AttributeError when extracting tags
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2093258] Re: HTTP500 returned on get ports due to AttributeError when extracting tags
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2093258] Re: HTTP500 returned on get ports due to AttributeError when extracting tags
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2093248] [NEW] DVR flow is not installed for allowed address pairs mac in DVR_TO_SRC_MAC table=1
Vasyl Saienko
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2093248] Re: DVR flow is not installed for allowed address pairs mac in DVR_TO_SRC_MAC table=1
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2093217] [NEW] Virtual Machine States: the diagram is missing a "Shutoff" state
Kirill Nikolaev
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2015376] Re: [OVN] min-BW rule, defined in the LSP.options field, must be accompanied with a max-BW value
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1972028] Re: _get_pci_passthrough_devices prone to race condition
Edward Hope-Morley
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1972028] Re: _get_pci_passthrough_devices prone to race condition
Edward Hope-Morley
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1972028] Re: _get_pci_passthrough_devices prone to race condition
Edward Hope-Morley
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1791479] Re: rocky: dhcp-agent traces on PD subnet due to missing default gateway
Launchpad Bug Tracker
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2092983] [NEW] deadlock: delete the network
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2092983] Re: deadlock: delete the network
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2092971] [NEW] Metadata service does not work when port security is disabled
Miro Tomaska
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1687913] Re: db retry not triggered when fail happened in after_create notify
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1686877] Re: ml2 physical network using Chinese characters fails to save to postgresql
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2092907] [NEW] Potential GPL violation in master branch due to GPL script embedded into Apache2 python code
Ihar Hrachyshka
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2092907] Re: Potential GPL violation in master branch due to GPL script embedded into Apache2 python code
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2067075] Re: Horizon Identity Domain Panel is broken in Caracal+
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2092791] [NEW] This problem has been bothering me for many days openstack 403
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2092791] Re: This problem has been bothering me for many days openstack 403
Ivan Anfimov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2092750] [NEW] keystone doesnt authenticate nova api
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2092722] [NEW] with pyroute2 master dvr functional tests failing as pyroute.NetNS not honoring flags
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2092722] Re: with pyroute2 master dvr functional tests failing as pyroute.NetNS not honoring flags
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