Messages by Thread
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1701011] Re: Metadata Definition service has no interface to delete resource type
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2103811] [NEW] nova (metadata)api does not exit on fatal errors under mod_wsgi
sean mooney
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1270569] Re: can_share option grants write permissions on swift container in multi tenant mode.
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1370099] Re: Refactor metadef namespace _select_namespaces_query to include filtering
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2004595] Re: Duplicate declaration: Exec[exec-setfacl-ceph-openstack-glance] is already declared at (file: /etc/puppet/modules/tripleo/manifests/profile/base/glance/backend/rbd.pp
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2006473] Re: ImageLocationsTest.test_replace_location fails with The HTTP URL is invalid: ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response'))
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2007148] Re: Glance multistore config makes image service inaccessible
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1783049] Re: image-upload will log unexpected info if using "glance.db.registry.api"
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1731840] Re: Verify operation in glance
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1270356] Re: transient test_property_protections_special_chars_policies failure
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1258434] Re: Adding location to an image should use the store's get_uri
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1253963] Re: Can not define only image creator can delete the image
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1359407] Re: tempest errors in logs
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2103697] [NEW] Existing routers become unmanageable after migration from OVS to OVN
Pavlo Shchelokovskyy
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2103672] [NEW] swap volume can not rollabck
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1365637] Re: chunk sender does not send terminator on subprocess exception
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1507826] Re: Error - "Unable to find authentication token in headers" when run "nova image-list on a new install env
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1368516] Re: Quota Error In the Case of Parallel Execute
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1983663] Re: cinder volume's status is reserved when there is some error on volume_api.attachment_update operation
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2103641] [NEW] Open vSwitch (Version 3.3.0) goes into deadlocked state
Daniel Niasoff
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2103636] [NEW] Live Migration Fails for Flavor-Based Requests with NUMA Constraints Due to Redundant PCI Check
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2103597] [NEW] [DB] Migration milestone for Yoga duplicated
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2103600] Re: In the Zed version of Glance, if the parameter use_keystone_quotas = True cannot be found, it may be that it is incorrectly written, or this line has been missed in the glance-api configuration.
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1956460] Re: The VM can't get metadata from dhcp-agent
Launchpad Bug Tracker
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2103531] [NEW] Add tests when a new DB branch is open
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2103529] [NEW] Unable to create QoS rule in Horizon
Dmitriy Chubinidze
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2103518] [NEW] [ovn-octavia-provider] OVN DB sync tool reporting error when OVN LB doesn't exist
Fernando Royo
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2103514] [NEW] [DHCP] DHCP agent stuck if the network MTU=68
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2103500] [NEW] Race condition - Error creating instance if network is deleted by different process
Robbert Nijgh
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1479385] Re: Cause conflicts within glance public metadefs
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1321715] Re: Glance image-show <snapshotID> image fields followed by properies
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1560005] Re: Read only or reserved properties could contain better error messages
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1403426] Re: The MetadefPropery Proxy object is missing created_at, updated_at
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1812856] Re: DB migration code will break after 'z' release
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1471243] Re: Test on the xattr image cache fails because of noatime
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1939716] Re: Glance compatibility with SQLAlchemy 2.x
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1791530] Re: MetadataNamespacesTest.test_basic_metadata_definition_namespaces intermittently fails in the gate with "Could not find namespace tempest-test-ns-"
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2103424] [NEW] [FT] Random error in ``test_ovn_sb_sync_host_with_other_agent_type_not_deleted``
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2103417] [NEW] [DHCP] Recent patch breaking the kolla CI
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2103412] [NEW] Extend port resource request when not using qos minimum rules
Jimin Shin
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2103408] [NEW] Duplicated table lookup in extending port resource request
Jimin Shin
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1669080] Re: "openstack role create" should support "--description"
Ivan Anfimov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2102701] [NEW] Unexpected API Error. : req-a8dd8ca7-3afe-42c6-b22b-4ea818c1b216)
satish kumar
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1948393] Re: useless configuration options in 'nova.conf'
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 911805] Re: Scriptify the generation of man pages
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2102645] [NEW] [OVN] OVN agent deletion raises an error in the agent cache
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1649300] Re: ocata - webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest: The Store URI was malformed.
Cyril Roelandt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2102609] [NEW] DHCP scheduler failing when an agent is added and "segments" plugin not loaded
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2102369] [NEW] Resize operations: add note about root disk status
Launchpad Bug Tracker
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2102369] Re: Resize operations: add note about root disk status
Andreas Jaeger
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2102267] [NEW] Provider Network Information Not Displayed in Network Info Tab
suiong ng
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2102214] [NEW] Enable system scope for ironic-ui by default
Will Szumski
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2102184] [NEW] [RFE] Project-Specific QoS Controls for Granular Resource Management
Mengyang Zhang
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2102180] [NEW] DBDataError :Data too long for column 'pci_stats' at row 1
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2102165] [NEW] [RFE] Forbid usage of certain IP addresses in subnet pools
Alejandro Garcia
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2102161] [NEW] Live-migratable flag ignored for devices with physical_network tag
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2102095] [NEW] [OVN][Placement] Change the message level when a Placement exception happens
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2102148] [NEW] No info about volume deletion for instance
Dmitriy Chubinidze
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2102090] [NEW] [OVN][Placement] With Neutron API WSGI module, the initial chassis configuration is not executed
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2102083] [NEW] Reimplement ``SingletonDecorator`` class to allow destroying instances
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2102085] [NEW] [RFE][CI]: Deploy NFS backend job
Amit Uniyal
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2102044] [NEW] Nova-API problem - cannot list instances anymore
Andreas Balg
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2101857] [NEW] ``neutron-tempest-plugin-ovn-ubuntu-jammy`` job unstable
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2102038] [NEW] Multiple spec for a single PCI alias config causes HTTP 500 if PCI In Placement is enabled
Balazs Gibizer
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100806] [NEW] Intermittent test_batch_notifier failure
Brian Haley
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100678] [NEW] Images - Activate Image / Deactivate Image - Cancel button
Ivan Anfimov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2101871] [NEW] Use of revision_number for router update on 2023.2 Bobcat cause error 500
Martin André
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2101854] [NEW] wrong section name in glance-image-import.conf.sample and in admin doc
Masahito Muroi
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2102034] [NEW] Some instance artefacts remain after evacuation
Mitya Eremeev
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2101998] [NEW] [OVN][Placement] Deleting a configured resource provider does not remove the Placement entry
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2101840] [NEW] ovs jobs randomly failing with guest vms not getting ip from dhcp
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2101839] [NEW] [fullstack] Random errors during the execution of ``wait_until_true``
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2101829] [NEW] [S-RBAC] Reader user can create and delete SG rules with default policies
Slawek Kaplonski
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2101181] [NEW] Create Volume Type Extra Spec - improving description
Ivan Anfimov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2101182] [NEW] Live-migrations failing on stx-openstack with openstack@2024.1 (Caracal)
Vinícius Fernando Rocha Lobo
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2101162] [NEW] [OVN] Use HA_Chassis_Group for tunnelled gateway network LRPs
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2101166] [NEW] Random failure in dvr ovs grenade jobs to ping vm post upgrade
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2101165] [NEW] Random failure in test_established_tcp_session_after_re_attachinging_sg
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2101150] [NEW] User who is not owner of the SG can create/delete rules in the shared SG
Slawek Kaplonski
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2101140] [NEW] [OVN] Make LSP up/down events processing resilient to IDL disconnections
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2101063] [NEW] [OVN] min-bw QoS policy cannot be defined alone, exception raised
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2101087] [NEW] [ovs] MTU change is not applied to existing openvswitch ports
Alejandro Garcia
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2101077] [NEW] neutron-bgp-agent dies with debug log + json
Thomas Goirand
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2101076] [NEW] [eventlet-removal] Remove the usage of eventlet in the MacVTap agent
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2101070] [NEW] Cannot launch a virtual machine with shared security group
Andrii Kroshchenko
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100909] [NEW] Neutron VPN agent fail with upgrade a READER transaction to a WRITER mid-transaction
Rico Lin
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100938] [NEW] Assign HA_Chassis_Group to all LRPs for tunnelled gateway
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100911] [NEW] Neutron VPN agent fail with upgrade a READER transaction to a WRITER mid-transaction
Rico Lin
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100910] [NEW] Neutron VPN agent fail with upgrade a READER transaction to a WRITER mid-transaction
Rico Lin
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100892] [NEW] nova-manage db sync fails: cannot drop index uuid because other objects depend on it
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100888] [NEW] Resizing instance with multiple SR-IOV ports plus a normal port fails
Andy Gomez
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100867] [NEW] neutron_tempest_plugin.scenario.admin.test_floatingip fails in ubuntu-jammy with nested snat enabled
Renjing Xiao
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100853] [NEW] [QoS] The QoS rule validator doesn't check the rule direction
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100835] [NEW] NetApp - Need to restrict LIF creation Per HA Pair
Gireesh Awasthi
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100776] [NEW] test_securitygroup(ovs-openflow) fullstack test random failure with Time out exception
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100770] [NEW] [RFE] Make alembic_migration scripts in neutron idempotent
Slawek Kaplonski
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100752] [NEW] Severe Packet Loss During Live Migration Due to Premature Route Advertisement in Neutron BGP Dynamic Routing
Yusuf Güngör
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100725] [NEW] Exceeded maximum number of retries. Exhausted all hosts available for retrying build failures for instance 65774d58-9222-44e0-83a7-5da9ee2223be
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100631] [NEW] Scheduler Hints - missing phrases (Custom / Filter)
Ivan Anfimov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100588] [NEW] Incorrect image ID written to libvirt metadata when unshelving ephemeral instances
Callum Dickinson
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100585] [NEW] [metadata] Unify metadata code
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100546] [NEW] Could not find backend 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache' - openstack-dashboard 4:24.0.0
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100505] [NEW] Neutron OVN external ports creation change HA chassis group master
Luca Del Monte
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100479] [NEW] Segments plugin: Not updating used IP addresses
Daniel Failing
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100342] [NEW] Unable to overcommit CPU
Ramesh Sambandan
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100343] [NEW] Unable to overcommit CPU
Ramesh Sambandan
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100013] [NEW] Floating IPs - design issue
Ivan Anfimov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100304] [NEW] Gateway Timeout The gateway did not receive a timely response from the upstream server or application
Ramesh Sambandan
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2073254] Re: nova-compute optional wait for vif-plugged in ovn usecase
sean mooney
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2073254] Re: nova doesn't wait for vif-plugged in ovn usecase
Stefan Hoffmann
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100270] [NEW] [whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin] Missing method ``configure_vlan_transparent`` imported from neutron-tempest-plugin
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100268] [NEW] cleanup os-ken from the CLI part
Slawek Kaplonski
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100261] [NEW] [FT] Consistent errors in ``neutron-functional-with-pyroute2-master`` CI job
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100249] [NEW] [FT] Random errors in ``neutron-functional-with-oslo-master`` CI job
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100244] [NEW] "openstack server list" throws HttpException: 500: Server Error for url: Unexpected API Error.
Ramesh Sambandan
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100009] [NEW] ironic: validate node call displays SDK object address instead of message
Doug Goldstein
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2100001] [NEW] [FT] Random errors in ``test_server.TestPluginWorker.test_start``
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2099982] [NEW] [ovn] Removal of IPv6 subnet from the public network is not reflected in LRs
Dmitriy Rabotyagov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2099981] [NEW] [ovn] Adding an IPv6 subnet to public network breaks all FIPs
Dmitriy Rabotyagov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2099755] [NEW] [whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin] ``QosTestExternalNetwork.test_dscp_bwlimit_external_network`` must check BW with VMs on different compute nodes
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2087115] [NEW] New oslo.policy 4.5.0 release breaks config generation for Glance
Launchpad Bug Tracker
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098514] Re: default config-dir handling is inconsistent between wsgi scripts and uwsgi/gunicorn
Takashi Kajinami
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2099911] [NEW] Castellan as config source fails with "greenlet.error: cannot switch to a different thread"
Mitya Eremeev
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2099896] [NEW] [eventlet-removal] Remove the usage of eventlet in the Metadata agent
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2099869] [NEW] Horizon Dashboard requires re-login when Switching multi region with OpenID Connect
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2099852] [NEW] The CD-ROM occupying the device location prevents the data volume from being mounted.
Xi Wenhao
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2099844] [NEW] MultiRegion status is "none" when logging in with openID Connec
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2099798] [NEW] error when running `osken` in os_ken CLI in python 3.13
Yuwen Liu
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2099818] [NEW] ovn-sync add
Kevin Carter
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2099799] [NEW] `os_ken.topology.switches` cannot be stopped when observing links
Yuwen Liu
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1701530] Re: Extract custom resource classes from flavors
Doug Goldstein
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098109] Re: Regular user can modify router SNAT flag
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2099706] [NEW] [OVN][QoS] QoS rule addition to an exiting net work policy only updates the first port
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2099702] [NEW] solution for bug 1980845 not working
Peter Struys
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2099694] [NEW] No name for Admin State
Dmitriy Chubinidze
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2099687] [NEW] Can not disable "Admin State" of the network
Dmitriy Chubinidze
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2099675] [NEW] trunk subport vnic_type not inherited from parent, DHCP for baremetal ports does not work
Vasyl Saienko
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2099663] [NEW] Failure spawning VMs with hw:maxphysaddr_mode passthrough
Johannes Kulik
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2099651] [NEW] Attach volume doesn't work with SHELVED_OFFLOADED VM
Sasha Malberg
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2099450] [NEW] Incorrect ovsdb_connection validation
Mohammed Naser
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097529] Re: virtio should be the default hw_video_model even for spice
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098980] [NEW] "openstack port list -c" showing non existing columns
Maor Blaustein
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098996] [NEW] empty_string_filtering extension is not enabled for ML2/OVN
Alexey Stupnikov
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098914] [NEW] nova api process blocked
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098892] [NEW] "TypeError: virNodeDeviceLookupByName() argument 2 must be str or None, not Proxy" from update_available_resource with mdevs
melanie witt
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098815] [NEW] attempting to write bad value to column external_ids (ovsdb error: expected string, got <class 'NoneType'>)
Terry Wilson
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098785] [NEW] DOMNodeInserted mutation event deprecation/removal
Davi Frossard
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098768] [NEW] Increase the ``neutron-tempest-plugin-vpnaas`` CI job timeout
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098737] [NEW] Create a restricted default policy for undefined API calls
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098736] [NEW] [RFE] Use quota engine to replace config option "max_allowed_address_pair"
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1996094] Re: heal_instance_info_cache_interval help text is inaccurate
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098621] [NEW] ports can attempt to bind to the wrong segment
Doug Goldstein
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2077541] Re: CredentialNotFound not caught and enumerating credentials using the EC2_S3_Resource
OpenStack Infra
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098496] [NEW] VM gets more PCI hostdevs than requested when PCI in Placement is enabled with VFs
Balazs Gibizer
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098384] [NEW] VM creation fails if the image has a property with long name or value
Balazs Gibizer
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 1943508] Re: Victoria: router gw ip duplicate in ovn nbctl show
Rodolfo Alonso
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098168] [NEW] Cinder: volume attach fails (unauthorized API req)
Friedrich Eierspeis
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2098085] [NEW] SRIOV mechanism driver may attach to the wrong segment where a host has access to multiple segments of the same network
Andrew Bonney
[Yahoo-eng-team] [Bug 2097890] [NEW] qemu-img not found when testing on Ubuntu 20.04
Seunghun Lee