How about site relations?  Seems like a good use of a site relation.

On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 11:03 AM, Clifford Snow <>

> On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 8:51 AM, Jack Burke <> wrote:
>> -1.  I don't really agree.  The parking/driving area is no more a part of
>> the gas station than any other parking lot is part of the store/building
>> they service.
>> I usually do building=roof + layer=1 + amenity=fuel + brand=Foo for the
>> pumps, and building=retail + shop=convenience for the store part.  I also
>> usually put opening_hours on each of them if/as I find out what those are.
> That is how I try to tag them. Especially since the fuel brand often
> changes but the convenience store often stays the same. I usually leave the
> address node as separate node.
>> Lately I've been playing with using a multipolygon as a way to handle the
>> too-many-address-entries problem.  Join the building=roof and
>> building=retail into a multipolygon, then apply the address data to that.
>>  (I do have to do this before applying the other tags to the
>> areas-that-make-up-the-building bits, but that's easy.)
> That is a great suggestion. I'll have to try that.
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> @osm_seattle
> OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
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