I'm in favor of two nodes/elements, one for gas and one for the shop.

The main reason is that while designign complicated tagging seems to be
what people do, tagging designs should be done from the point of view of
those writing code to consume the database and do something useful.  Two
nodes (or a node and an area, whatever) can be found trivially by code
that can search for gas, or for convenience stores, and they don't have
to understand the new rules.

The address should be on the building.  If a POI doesn't have an
address, that's totally fine - navigating to an OSM POI can be done
without regard to addressing, because it has coordinates.  The POI
address notion is from garmin and others where the db contains a list of
point POIs, and that's it.

So, it may make sense to have some sort of relation to denote that a POI
is in a building with an address.  Or perhaps to have have it be
imclicit, if one really needs an address.

Typically, I'd expect the convenience shop might have a different
phone.  Maybe not.   In the US, there are gas stations with both a
convenience shop (often the same business with the same cashier) and a
donut/coffee shop that is a separate business, with a separate sign,
license, phone, and hours.

So even if the convenience shop and gas are the same business, it's far
easier for data consumers to have two POI items.

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