Dana 11. 12. 2014. 08:57 osoba "Colin Smale" <colin.sm...@xs4all.nl>
napisala je:
> I agree with Greg. Many people still think it is possible to get
worldwide consensus on tagging. This will never happen as long as the tags
are so subjective. Check out the thread on the definitions of
cafe/restaurant/fast_food for a wonderful case of what happens if the input
side rules the project. You have heard of ROM? Ever heard of WOM? A large
part of the IT budget of large companies is spent on "understanding" the
data they already have. Missing or incorrect documentation, misuse of
fields (overloading), no data quality control... I spend my life trying to
save them money. Unfortunately every day they are still creating more of
tomorrow's "legacy."
> Unless someone wants to declare OSM to be a "big data" project (store
everything you have, just in case it's useful later) and get IBM Watson to
find your nearest place to buy a burger.
> Colin

I think we don't need IBM Watson, we just need a database of semantically
organised tags. A database which has categories like  "a place where you
can buy food for money" which has restaurants, fast foods and convenience
stores in it. Geography has to plays a role in it. Maybe in Japan a
convenience store doesn't have food in it.

Then a data consumer tells its renderer "render this category with a big
fork and knife" and that's all there is to it.
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