On Fri, 2014-12-05 at 09:49 -0800, Bryce Nesbitt wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 8:51 AM, Jack Burke <burke...@gmail.com> wrote:
>         I usually do building=roof + layer=1 + amenity=fuel +
>         brand=Foo for the pumps, and building=retail +
>         shop=convenience for the store part.  I also usually put
>         opening_hours on each of them if/as I find out what those are.
> That's worth highlighting.
> In the USA the shop hours may be limited, where the pumps are
> left on 24/7 for credit card users.

I know of at least one Kroger store locally where the pumps are card
only. The grocery store is 24/7 but did close for Thanksgiving; I didn't
check if the pumps were left on or locked down for the holiday. But the
setup of having 24/7 pay at the pump for credit/debit/gift card
purchases is not uncommon. In fact, Exxon used to run a few entirely
automated gas stations (including cash at the pump!) under the Exxon
Express label (but this didn't last).

Shawn K. Quinn <skqu...@rushpost.com>

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