Hello Jason,

Thursday, July 3, 2003, 7:45:31 PM, you wrote:

JH> On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 10:29:47PM -0400, Shaun T. Erickson wrote:
>> So, no rant from me, but I *do* think the list admin (or the admin of 
>> the system that hosts the list) should be making every attempt to block 
>> virii from this list.

JH> And who will pay for the software?

They don't need to pay for software.

All they need to do is use the settings on the existing
FREE software that runs this mailing list.

That's my point. It would take 2 minutes, at most, to change
the settings so that mail over a certain size can't get
through without a moderator check - say 40 or 50K. That
setting is on the FIRST page of the administrative menu, and
it would stop most internet worms from getting through.  The
average bonafide email to this list is under 10K. The worm
in question has a file size of 115K, so even a very high
threshhold would have stopped it.

The sad thing is that this really should have been done in
the original set up, so there shouldn't have to be a need to
do it later. Anyone with any experience at all running a
mailing list ought to know this.

The problem isn't that "something ought to be done". The
problem is that this mailing list was set up carelessly to
begin with.


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