>> You know the old saying, if you don't have something constructive to 
>> say......
BAS> ...whine about it on a list.

I'm hoping to maybe get the list administrator's attention,
since this is such an easy fix. I will be glad to tell the
list administrator exactly how to prevent this and other
common worms from being disseminated through this list, if
he/she needs my help.

And from the standpoint of anyone running a mailserver, or
an end user receiving email, email-borne worms and spam are
the same problem.  Both tie up bandwidth and server
resources, and result in the user getting something unwanted
in their inbox.

Since there are some spammers that are using trojans spread
through worms as a means of sending more spam, I think it
would be easy to see how closely related the issue are. This
particular virus - Sobig.E - "is more efficient than
previous version of the virus in sending email addresses,
according to MessageLabs' analysis, because the email engine
that it uses to send email is "multi-threaded." While
earlier versions of the virus had to wait for a task, or
thread, to be completed, Sobig.e can send multiple emails at
the same time, making it a much more efficient spam engine.
" http://news.zdnet.co.uk/story/0,,t269-s2136675,00.html


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