At 02:49 PM 05/27/2003, you wrote:

What amazes me is that everytime some idiot does this.. everyone agrees that the information in the email needs to be changed and then it never is.

I'm sure it's incredibly high on the list of to-do's for the developers.

I have mostly been a spectator on this list for the past 6 to 8 months. I have seen this thread and dozens and dozens of others like it, everytime this happens someone suggests changing the message, someone else suggests both changing the message and website, everyone else agrees, nothing changes. - If you were sent here because you received an e-mail message which was modified by SpamAssassin, please go to <>this page.
I think this says enough. Anyone who has enough of a clue to find a link to spamassassin-talk should have enough of a clue to read the above.

All the active members of this list should apologize to every idiot who makes this kind of complaint in the wrong place.

I don't get it?


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