On Tue, 27 May 2003, Mike Anderson wrote:

> Because of you I am changing ISP's.  There is no such thing as a
> whitelist that works.  Even if I receive valid mail and you have
> targeted it as spam I cannot read it because you control freaks have
> altered the e-mail.  Anyone else having similar problems?  Why not let
> us have control of what happens at the PC level as opposed to the
> network level?

Would you rather that the ISPs forward on the actual costs of not 
filtering spam on to you the whining user?  If so then you can look 
forward to charges for increasing amounts of bandwidth; bigger, better, 
larger mail servers to keep up with the ever increasing load put on them 
by incoming spam (when not filtered to keep the load at a tolerable 
level); increasing customer support load due to the increase in complaints 
from users about the rise in the amount of spam in the inbox; decreasing 
revenue due to users switching to ISPs that do take care of their users 
and filter their spam for them.  Would you bitch and moan if your ISP 
started doing anti-virus filtering on your email?  I didn't think so.

<updates Christmas card list>


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